General Meeting Minutes- March 2024

Time: 5:00PM - 6:00PM

Location: 209 East Main, Rangely CO


Christen- Forming Our Mission Statement (Group Review, Discussion, Decision)

Linda- Treasurer’s Report

Group- How will we Participate in the Ride the Rockies Event?

Best Options include:

1. Meal Prep and Service or Snack Prep and Serving

2. Water and Electrolyte Prep and Serving

3. Course Marshals

4. Baggage Unloading

5. Floaters/ General Assistants

Other opportunities include:

6. Bike Corral Storage

7. OV Gravel Course Assistant

Christen- We have donation jars around town. Those funds are deposited into our general fund, which helps community members with vet bills, pet food, and pet care.

Don- Goodboy Screening and Fundraiser: When/Where TBD upon confirmation from outside parties.


General Meeting Minutes- June 2024


General Meeting Minutes- February 2024