General Meeting Minutes- February 2025
Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM
Location: The Gathering Place, Rangely, CO
Current Business
Kelly reported on the following items
Grant Updates - There is no word yet from the CPOF grant. Hopefully, there will be some news in March to indicate if we have been successful in procuring spay and neuter grant funds.
Grant Potential - Kelly reached out to Animal Assistance Foundation (AAF) to see if we would qualify for a capital grant to assist the Town with building a new shelter. Unfortunately, because we do not have a current relationship with AAF and have never applied for funding through them in the past, we are not eligible for this particular grant. However, we would be eligible for the Organizational Capacity Program grant which will assist with building repair, technology, training, non-capital equipment, etc. Ti suggested that Kelly speak with Lisa Piering to see if this will meet any needs of the shelter. Kelly asked if the electrical still needed repair and upgrade because of the recent fire at the shelter. Laycie reported that the electrical had been repaired and they were able to use the computers, heater and washer/dryer, but would be unable to utilize much more power than that. Discussion ensued regarding potential shelter upgrades while waiting for a new shelter, and land donation, potentially from Tractor Supply. Kelly was told the Rec District has already purchased this property. Kelly will be speaking with Tim Webber to confirm or deny this and to see if there is still potential to obtain the property adjacent to Tractor Supply.
Success Stories - Four dogs were transferred to Summit County in January and two have been adopted; Tank and Ruby. Diamond and Dakota are still waiting for their new homes.
W-9s - Kelly has W-9s available for any entities that would like to donate to 4R Animals.
Christen reported on the following items
Organizational Title and EIN# Clarification - Christen spent a considerable amount of time on the phone with the office of the Secretary of State in an effort to clean up the name of our non- profit. There were 3 names associated with the EIN#. Christen was able to successfully consolidate everything under the name "Rangely Rescue and Rehome Refuge" doing business as (dba) 4R Animals. This should help with clarity, legal standing, and overall efficiency of operations.
New Facility - Christen asked if the Town of Rangely was committed to the current architect. Ti indicated that no, this decision has not been finalized. Ti explained there is $800,000 in the town budget, which doesn’t purchase the construction of a large, or elaborate facility. He stated that there is a tremendous amount of work that must be done prior to even applying for such a grant that would financially support the building of a new animal shelter. Laycie reported that the shelter plans do not include a cat room and only allows for 6 dog kennels. Because of the lack of capacity for cats, Laycie said they could work around this issue by not taking in surrendered cats and creating an active foster program. There were questions about phasing the shelter and Ti said that ideally, the shelter should be completed all at once, especially if new land is purchased. However phasing the project would help with the lack of funding. Kelly wondered if the Capacity Program Grant through AAF would help with a few necessary purchases for a new shelter. This will be discussed separately with Lisa Piering.
Haley reported on the following items
Local Business Sponsorship of Adoptable Animals - Sponsorship forms have been mailed and distributed to businesses. These sponsorships would help cover some, if not all of the adoption fees for any dog or cat at the shelter. In return, the businesses would be highlighted on the 4R Animals website and Facebook page and recognized for their support.
Donation Jars - All purchases for the shelter are done through monies from the donation jars in town. These purchases include toys, collars, treats and food to be distributed to all dogs and cats housed at the shelter. Haley is in contact with Lacey prior to purchasing items to determine what items are needed to ensure the public’s money is well spent. She has also reached out to various businesses for donations toward items needed at the shelter and for raffle donations at various events. Glenwood Caverns tickets are a popular raffle item and two of these tickets were donated to the Rangely Chamber of Commerce Crab Crack raffle this past weekend in an effort to create more visibility for 4R Animals. Haley took this opportunity to recognize the Rangely Chamber of Commerce and their generosity toward 4R Animals by providing comped booth spaces at the various chamber events.
March Marketing Plan: March Mutt Madness Month with the spotlight on adopted mutts and any adoption success stories on social media. Also, we will have updated themed flyers and donation jar labels around town.
Open Discussion
Laycie reported that the shelter is now in compliance with PACFA regulations after being out of code on many items.
Haley asked what dogs were currently at the shelter. Laycie reported there have been 2 new surrenders: Dingo and Tobi. Both of these boys are scheduled to be neutered next week and receive vaccinations, at which time they will be available for adoption.
Laycie reported that there is someone in town that is interested in three of the cats at the shelter. Mark reported he is working alongside the shelter techs to socialize these cats and he feels their efforts have been very successful.
Rhonda Davidson asked if 4R Animals has a function on the website for recurring donations. Haley responded that there is a button for donations, however it does not support recurring donations. Anyone who donates online will receive an auto-generated receipt for tax purposes.
Don Davidson suggested we check with Moon Lake Electric and their Round Up Program where clients can choose to round their bill up to the next dollar amount of their choosing and this additional amount would be given to their local charity of choice.
Kelly suggested if we apply for funding through the AAF Organizational Capacity Program grant, potentially these funds could be used to purchase new signage for the shelter. For example, a new sign on the highway that matches the other signs throughout town. Ti agreed this would be beneficial for people who don’t know where the shelter is. Discussion ensued regarding ambiguous directions to the shelter and the rough road that must be traveled to reach it. Ti explained that the road is maintained by the county. The land the shelter sits on is also county even though the shelter is owned by the town. Kelly will reach out to Jennifer O’Hearen and Callie Scritchfield regarding maintenance of this particular road.
Cathy Jones offered to donate homemade dog treats, however Haley suggested that Cathy plan to sell her treats at a booth the next adoption event, which will likely be the Saturday in the Park event, date TBD. Haley also mentioned to Cathy that they would like to partner together on future events & possible adoption care packages.
Kelly mentioned that volunteers are needed to walk and play with the shelter dogs, particularly after the spring semester is over at the college. Currently, a CNCC student walks the dogs daily, but he will be graduating and moving in May. Laycie said a volunteer signed up recently to help. Haley will be collaborating with Jeani Caldwell in an effort to push for advertising to encourage local residents to volunteer.
No further business.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.