General Meeting Minutes- August 2024

Time: 6:30PM - 7:30PM

Location: The Gathering Place, Rangely, CO


Lisa/Christen- Follow Up on Dog-Run Proposal (Lisa says that the town would have to build a new shelter in phases) and would like a complete plan from Animal Arts prior to building a dog run. Christen will revise and resubmit plans for the dog run. Kaitlyn said the fences for the dog run needs to be at least 6 ft tall sections with an incline on top to prevent jumping from the dogs. 

Raquel- reviewed grant info. Some grants have resources beyond monetary help. 4R Animals should begin applying, Kelly volunteered to assist with grants so that we can start applying right away.

Christen- Forming committees (funding committee, volunteer committee, marketing) 

Richie- New member introduction (current shelter tech) & mentioned he has a flyer to hang at the college for volunteer opportunities.

Haley- Passed around Flyer for review for basic Who We Are information to hang around town. Asked for feedback on the flyer from members of the town and who they would like listed on it for volunteers to reach out to. We also need to know dates and times that we can post that volunteers are needed so that we can form groups for the shelter to utilize.

Raquel- talked about the chamber website and resources so that people know where to go to navigate finding out more about the shelter online. 

Lisa- The town council has been very clear that the shelter will not be taking in animals from other places until enough animals can be adopted out and the town can have a facility to support the needs.

Katelyn- Volunteer hours are 8AM-10AM or 4PM-5PM, most of the time volunteer paperwork should be printed out and filled out individually (application and waiver form) followed by them meeting with a shelter tech for an orientation session.

Christen- It is difficult to find the animal shelter link on the town of Rangely website, hard to navigate. Lisa Agreed it is difficult to find and you have to dig around to find it but will talk with Jeanie to make it more prominent and easier to access.

Tammy- Mentioned that on the shelter’s Facebook page you cannot click on a photo of an individual animal to see their information, which is also difficult as this is the only place the current adoptable animals are listed.

Raquel- Spoke about getting athletes from the college to volunteer at the shelter. Zach and Emily (in student services) are great resources and Richie can meet up with them to get volunteers.

Haley- donation jar updates- great collection this month and we have added some locations as well to the line up and reviewed current jar locations.

Katelyn- Asked how often the donation jars are being emptied because she said she received several complaints that they are not being emptied and that people are concerned that they will have money stolen.

Haley- We will be collecting from the jars every other week, this is a new task that was recently taken over. We will also be adding our phone number to the back so that people can contact us if needed.

Katelyn- reviewed items that are on the amazon wish list, Katelyn to send -Haley and Christen a link to the wish list so that it can be added in various locations for people to access.

Christen- Opening the floor to other items, questions, and follow ups.

Raquel- Can help with marketing committee, how often will committees meet? She can also meet with fundraising and development committee members as well to assist.

Haley- asked if there are any upcoming adoption events the shelter would like us to be at?

Katelyn- Shelter will be at Septemberfest and Octoberfest as well as some other events out of town.

Haley- Requested that Katelyn email if they need assistance with these events so we can try and help and gather volunteers

Raquel- mentioned CAL Ranch and Petco in Vernal who are open to doing adoption days.

Katelyn- Mentioned other locations and rescues to do events in grand junction and Glenwood as well. The more people the more dogs can be taken to these events.

Christen- how does the shelter decide what dogs will be taken to events?

Katelyn- Depends on the type of event and the nature of the dogs. Also mentioned that some of the kennels are currently broken due to an anxious dog at an event

Group- talked through what kind of kennels the shelter needed replacements for at the moment. Also went through other items on amazon wish list. Katelyn to send Haley and Christen top priority items

Haley- on 4R Animals Facebook page wants to do a post of recognition to all of the businesses that allow us a donation jar.

Group- Talked more about committees, the goal is that everyone should come to the meeting ready to say what committee they want to be a part of.

Raquel- asked about local vets for free spay and neuter opportunities? Katelyn to reach out to Shannon about additional opportunities.

Christen- Group Meetings will be the last Monday of every month for the remainder of the year. Meeting adjourned.


General Meeting Minutes- September 2024


General Meeting Minutes - July 2024